112. Angelic calendar


In the celestial realm of Heaven, a grand conference was underway. The focus of their discourse was not the magnificence of their angelic lives or the equilibrium of the cosmos. Instead, it centered around an entity far more commonplace, yet of equal significance - the calendar.
The angels acknowledged the widespread use of the Gregorian calendar on Earth. "The Gregorian calendar, in its essence, is good," one of the elder angels began. "It has served humanity well, marking the passage of time with reasonable accuracy. However, it is not without its flaws. The first day of the year," the elder angel continued, "is not tied to any astronomical event. It is an arbitrarily chosen day."
The angels proposed the introduction of a new calendar, one that would only deviate from the Gregorian calendar by a few days but would have an astronomical event as its starting day. "The Earth's shortest distance to the sun, known as perihelion, occurs just a few days from the current January 1st," an angelic scholar explained. "We propose that January 1st should be the day when the Earth-Sun distance is the smallest."
The proposal was met with nods of approval and murmurs of agreement. The angels believed that this minor adjustment would not only make the calendar more astronomically accurate but also symbolically significant, as the start of the new year would coincide with the Earth being closest to the source of its life-giving warmth.
The angels further stated that the span between the perihelions of consecutive years could range from 363 to 368 days. However, they advised maintaining the cycle in accordance with the Gregorian calendar for leap years. Hence, the angelic calendar must be implemented in such a manner that the perihelions coincide with January 1 in the majority of instances in a centennial cycle.

As the celestial conference drew to a close, the angels turned their attention to the Earth. They needed a messenger, someone who could spread the word about their new calendar. Their gaze fell upon Bíró Zoltán.
Bíró Zoltán was a man of integrity and wisdom, known for his open mind and respect for the cosmos. The angels believed that he would understand the significance of their proposal and would be able to convey it to his fellow humans.
One of the angels, a radiant being with wings that shimmered like the night sky, descended upon Earth. In a dream, he appeared before Bíró Zoltán. "Bíró Zoltán," the angel began, his voice as soft as a whisper yet as powerful as a thunderclap, "We, the celestial beings, have a task for you."
He explained the angels' proposal, the rationale behind the new calendar, and the importance of aligning the start of the year with an astronomical event. He spoke of the celestial conference and the unanimous agreement among the angels.
"We believe that this minor adjustment to the calendar will not only make it more accurate but also symbolically significant," the angel concluded. "We entrust you with the task of spreading this message among your fellow humans."
Bíró Zoltán woke up from the dream, a sense of purpose filling his heart. He knew what he had to do. He would spread the word about the angels' new calendar, explaining its significance and the wisdom behind it. 
Bíró Zoltán, armed with the celestial knowledge bestowed upon him, began studying the Perihelion tables. 
Earth at Perihelion: 2025 to 2030 Greenwich Mean Time (according to the Georgian calendar)
2025     Jan 04  13:28   
2026     Jan 03  17:16   
2027     Jan 03  02:33   
2028     Jan 05  12:28  
2029     Jan 02  18:13  
2030     Jan 03  10:12
He realized that the simplest way to introduce the Angelic calendar was to declare a few consecutive years as leap years. This would gradually align the Gregorian and Angelic calendars.
With this revelation, Bíró Zoltán set out to spread the word about the Angelic calendar, explaining the significance of aligning the start of the year with the Earth's closest approach to the sun. His mission was not just to introduce a new calendar, but to bridge the gap between the terrestrial and the celestial, bringing humanity one step closer to the cosmos.

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